Winfall—Where You Can Live in Comfort

Prioritizing The Safety Of
Every Family

Peaceful Town. Pleasant People.
Get Started

If you experience falling trees or other objects that may block roadways, please call 252-426-5751 or Town of Winfall Roads & Ground & Saftey personnel Mayor Preston White @ 252-339-3268 or Andre’ Nixion @ 252-333-6630.

Please be safe!!!

The Peaceful Small Community Of Winfall, NC

The Town of Winfall welcomes everyone to our community, where we always maintain harmonious living. We know everyone in our neighborhood, have personal conversations with residents, and do our best to address the issues they raise.

Join our small community in Winfall, NC, where you and your family can live in peace and comfort. We are one of the most laid-back towns in North Carolina. We have peaceful residents and a low crime rate, so you can be sure your family is safe.

The Town of Winfall was incorporated in 1887, and since then, our lovely town has continuously welcomed new residents. Learn more about our community; contact us with your questions, and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible. You may also get in touch with us through our Facebook page.

Despite being a small town, we have several growing businesses, numerous family-friendly restaurants, and many good schools. We also offer:

Sewer Payment

Water Tower

Community Center (Rentable)

Community Center



ATTENTION: If you would like to have your Sewer Bill sent to you by email, please send your email to

The Town of Winfall was incorporated in 1887, and since then, our lovely town has continuously welcomed new residents.


Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce

Perquimans County Tourism Development Authority

*North Carolina League of Municipalities

*North Carolina Rural Water Association

Learn more about our community

Contact us with your questions, and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible. You may also get in touch with us through our Facebook page.

Reach Out To Us

“In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, familial status, sexual orientation, and reprisal. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). “

To file a complaint of discrimination, write to:

USDA, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
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Federal relay). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”

Mayor White

Mayor Preston White, a lifetime citizen of Winfall, born and raised on Mason St in Winfall N.C.

He served as Winfall Town Council for two terms and were into the 3rd yr. of his 2nd term when he decided to run and won the Mayor seat.
Mayor White believes his role as mayor and council will be the ambassadors of this community.

The mayor and council members’ roles, duties and responsibilities have changed to a team effort. We will be expected to protect the citizens and their homes.

“We will be looking for new strategies and new opportunities of improvement. We will be focusing on grant researches for the town improvement, such as the sewer infrastructure, roads and grounds, sidewalk parks, boat ramps, that will open the windows for new business and land developers.